ナイジェリアの元大統領ブハリは,洪水と爆発の後に慰問を申し出るためにボルノとジガワを訪問した. Former Nigerian President Buhari visited Borno and Jigawa to offer condolences after floods and an explosion.
ナイジェリアの元大統領ムハンマド・ブハリは,ボルノ州とジガワ州を訪れ,ボルノで洪水が起こり,ジガワ州でタンカーが爆発して死亡した悲劇的な事件に哀悼の意を表した. Former Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari visited Borno and Jigawa states to offer condolences following tragic incidents: devastating floods in Borno and a fatal tanker explosion in Jigawa. ボノでは,地方の指導者に逢い,洪水による被害を評価し,死者や財産の損失を嘆き悲しんだ. In Borno, he met with local leaders and assessed the damage caused by the floods, expressing sorrow over the loss of life and property. 江川県ではN1000万を寄付し,被災者を病院へ訪問し,当該対応の努力に対して地方当局を褒めた. In Jigawa, he donated N10 million to support victims of the explosion, visiting survivors in the hospital and commending local authorities for their response efforts.