バワリー元ナイジェリア大統領は82歳の誕生日を記念し,貧困,汚職,経済成長に重点を置くことを称賛した. Former Nigerian President Buhari marks 82nd birthday, praised for focusing on poverty, corruption, and economic growth.
ナイジェリアの元大統領、ムハンマド・バウリーは82歳の誕生日を祝ったが,貧しい人々への献礼と汚職との闘いで祝福された. Former Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, celebrated his 82nd birthday, is hailed for his dedication to the poor and combatting corruption. 2項に掲げる期間中,彼は経済発展,安全,インフラに焦点を当てた. During his two terms, he focused on economic development, security, and infrastructure. 彼 の 管理 は , 社会 保障 制度 の 開始 を 含め , 健康 , 貧困 の 削減 , 農業 など の 面 で 進歩 を 遂げ まし た。 His administration made strides in health, poverty reduction, and agriculture, including launching a social security system. Buhariの外交政策は、西アフリカにおけるナイジェリアの影響を強化した。 Buhari's foreign policy bolstered Nigeria's influence in West Africa. 辞任後,彼は2度だけアブジャを訪れ,新しい政権にスペースを与えました. Since leaving office, he has stepped back, visiting Abuja only twice, to give the new administration space.