メディアアナリストのJames Ledfleは"プリスクリプス"コラムで知られるが,60年に心臓発作で死亡した. Media analyst James Ledbetter, known for his "Press Clips" column, died of a heart attack at 60.
著名なメディアアナリストで著作者のジェームズ・レドフリーは、マンハッタンで60歳で心臓発作で死亡した。 James Ledbetter, a respected media analyst and author, died of a heart attack at 60 in Manhattan. 1990年代,ヴィレッジ・ボイスの影響力のある"プレス・クリップ"コラムで知られ,インク誌の編集長,ロイター誌の意見編集長を務めた. He was known for his influential "Press Clips" column in The Village Voice during the 1990s and served as editor-in-chief of Inc. magazine and opinion editor at Reuters. レッドベーターはメディアの多様性を強く主張し "Made Possible by... The Death of Public Television in the United States"を含むいくつかの本を執筆しました Ledbetter was a strong advocate for diversity in media and authored several books, including "Made Possible by… The Death of Public Television in the United States."