2024年9月現在,中国は5,363の企業を保有しており,IPO活動が著しく7億9千万円の増加を遂げている. As of September 2024, China had 5,363 listed companies, with significant IPO activity raising $790 million.
2024年9月現在,中国は5,363社を保有し,上海競馬で2271社,シェンツェンで2,839社,北京で253社を保有した. As of September 2024, China had 5,363 listed companies, with 2,271 on the Shanghai exchange, 2,839 on Shenzhen, and 253 on Beijing. 国営企業は27%を代表し,非国家企業は73%を構成した. State-owned companies represented 27% of listings, while non-state-owned made up 73%. 主要な部門は製造業,ITサービス,卸売業/リサイクル業であった. The leading sectors were manufacturing, IT services, and wholesale/retail. Gangdong, Zhejiang,Jiangsu県は,これらの企業の42%以上を対象にしている. Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu provinces accounted for over 42% of these companies. 9月には10社が初公開を開始し,約7億9千万ドルの資金調達を行い,5社は上場から撤回された. In September, ten firms launched initial public offerings, raising approximately $790 million, while five were delisted.