中国における外国企業の90%はビジネス環境に満足しており,50%は市場がますます魅力的であると見ており,米国企業の60%は投資に興味を示しています. 90% of foreign companies in China are satisfied with the business environment, and 50% find the market increasingly attractive, with 60% of US firms showing heightened interest in investing.
中国で400社以上の外国企業を対象に実施された調査によると,90%がビジネス環境に満足しており,ほぼ50%が市場がますます魅力的だと考えている. A survey of over 400 foreign companies in China found that 90% are satisfied with the business environment, and nearly 50% perceive the market as increasingly attractive. 米国企業のうち60%が投資に対する関心が高まり,20%が投資を増やす計画があると報告した. Among U.S. firms, 60% reported heightened interest in investing, with about 20% planning to increase their investments. 中国国際貿易促進評議会は2021年第3四半期に調査を実施し,市場成長と投資機会に対する楽観性を強調した. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade conducted the study in Q3 2021, highlighting optimism for market growth and investment opportunities.