99歳のマレーシアの元首相マハティール・モハマドは,呼吸器感染症の治療を受けて病院から退院した. 99-year-old former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad discharged from hospital after respiratory infection treatment.
マレーシアの99歳の元首相マハティール・モハマドは,呼吸器感染症で治療を受けた後,ほぼ2週間で退院した. Mahathir Mohamad, the 99-year-old former Prime Minister of Malaysia, has been discharged from the hospital after nearly two weeks of treatment for a respiratory infection. 最近の健康問題と2022年に議会の議席を失うにもかかわらず,マハティールは政治的に活発であり,現首相アンワール・イブラヒームを批判しています. Despite recent health challenges and losing his parliamentary seat in 2022, Mahathir remains politically active, criticizing current Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. 彼の事務所は,彼が通常通り仕事に戻ると述べました 誹謗中傷事件の審理に再定時で出場することも含めてです His office stated he will return to work as usual, including appearing in a rescheduled defamation case hearing.