25歳のバイク運転手が死亡 26歳の負傷者がアイダホ州 パワー郡で衝突 25-year-old motorcyclist dies, and 26-year-old injured in Power County, Idaho collision.
2024年10月27日,アイダホ州パワー郡で発生したバイク事故で25歳の男性が死亡,26歳のライダーは負傷した. On October 27, 2024, a motorcycle crash in Power County, Idaho, resulted in the death of a 25-year-old man and injuries to a 26-year-old rider. ポーカッテロ出身の2人は 単独で走っていたが 曲がり角を抜けられず コンクリートの壁に衝突した Both from Pocatello, the men were riding solo when they failed to negotiate a curve, colliding with a concrete barrier. 25歳の男性は 現場で死亡し,もう一人は軽傷を負った. The 25-year-old died at the scene, while the other sustained minor injuries. アイダホ州警察が捜査中です イースト・カウンティ・ロードは 2時間半閉鎖されました The Idaho State Police are investigating, and East County Road was closed for about two and a half hours.