32歳の行方不明の男性が遺体で発見され、警察は捜索を中断。身元確認待ちです。 32-year-old missing man found dead, police suspend search; identity pending confirmation.
アイルランドの国家警察であるガルダイは、彼のものと思われる遺体を発見した後、32歳の男性の捜索を中断しました。 Gardaí, Ireland's national police, have suspended their search for a 32-year-old man after finding a body believed to be his. この男は数日間行方不明で 正式な確認が待っています The man had been missing for several days, and his identity is pending formal confirmation. 死因は調査中です 詳細はすぐに発表されるでしょう The circumstances of his death are under investigation, with more details expected to be released soon. 捜索は終了し 遺族に通知しました The search efforts have been concluded, and the man’s family has been notified.