オバマ前大統領はタッソンでカマラ・ハリスを支持し,トランプの性格と政策を批判した. Former President Obama endorsed Kamala Harris in Tucson, critiquing Trump's character and policies.
元大統領バラク・オバマはアリゾナ州タクソンでの集会で,元大統領ドナルド・トランプの性格と分断的な政治を批判して,副大統領カマラ・ハリスを支持した. Former President Barack Obama endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris at a rally in Tucson, Arizona, criticizing former President Donald Trump's character and divisive politics. 彼は礼儀正しく団結することの重要性を強調し, 故ジョン・マケイン上院議員の誠実さを称賛した. He highlighted the importance of civility and unity, praising the late Senator John McCain for his integrity. オバマは,子供税控除や初代住宅購入者の支援など,ハリスの経済提案を強調し,同時に,トランプの移民政策,中絶,そして1月6日の国会館攻撃を非難した. Obama emphasized Harris' economic proposals, including a child tax credit and support for first-time homebuyers, while condemning Trump's policies on immigration, abortion, and the January 6th Capitol attack.