オバマ前大統領は 選挙前,選挙運動の重要な州で ハリス副大統領と合流した. Former President Obama joins VP Harris in key swing state campaign ahead of Election Day.
バラク・オバマ元大統領は 選挙日が近づくにつれて 副大統領カマラ・ハリスと 重要な州で選挙運動をします Former President Barack Obama will join Vice President Kamala Harris in campaigning across key swing states as Election Day approaches. ハリスの支持を高め 重要な選挙区で有権者を動かす This effort aims to bolster Harris's support and energize voters in critical areas. 選挙は投票を確保し 民主党の将来性を高めるための 究極の推進の一環です The campaign is part of a final push to secure votes and enhance Democratic prospects in the upcoming election.