91歳のヘンリー・フォード卿,バーバドアの著名な政治人物で元司法長官が亡くなりました. 91-year-old Sir Henry Forde, prominent Barbadian political figure and former Attorney General, passed away.
ヘンリー・フォード卿は 91歳で亡くなりました. Sir Henry Forde, a prominent Barbadian political figure and former Attorney General, passed away at 91. 彼はバーバドス労働党の重要なメンバーであり,外務大臣を務めた. He was a key member of the Barbados Labour Party and served as Minister of External Affairs. 憲法法における専門知識で知られるフォードは,バーバドスの法的枠組みの形成と女性の権利の促進に重要な役割を果たした. Known for his expertise in constitutional law, Forde played a significant role in shaping Barbados' legal framework and promoting women's rights. ミア・モットリー首相は,彼の知性と献身性を称賛し,国家と将来のリーダーに持久的な影響を与えたことを強調しました. Prime Minister Mia Mottley praised his intellect and dedication, highlighting his lasting impact on the nation and future leaders.