元国会議員のMd Rashiduzzamanは、爆発物を使用した3つの暴力事件との関連でパトゥアカリで逮捕されました。 Former MP Md Rashiduzzaman arrested in Patuakhali for links to 3 violent cases with explosives.
元Khulna-6のMPであるMd Rashiduzzamanは、パトゥアカリ地区のRapid Action Battalion (RAB) 6および8の合同チームによって逮捕された。 Former Khulna-6 MP Md Rashiduzzaman was arrested by a joint team from the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) 6 and 8 in Patuakhali district. 逮捕されたのはモヒプール地区で 暴力と爆発物関連3件で His arrest occurred in the Mohipur area and is linked to three cases involving violence and explosive substances. RABの役人は逮捕を確認し,彼の罪状の重さを強調しました. RAB officials confirmed the apprehension, highlighting the serious nature of the charges against him.