BBCラジオ2の司会者 ヴェルノン・ケイは 病気の時に同情が欠けていたことに家族からの緊張が表れていることを明かしています BBC Radio 2 presenter Vernon Kay reveals family tensions over his lack of sympathy during illness, despite their care.
BBC Radio 2の司会者,バーノン・ケイは,病気の時に家族に同情されず,病気の時は"王様"のように扱われたのに,家族に"怒鳴られる"ことが多いと語っています. Vernon Kay, BBC Radio 2 presenter, shared that his family often "shouts" at him for not being as sympathetic during his illness, despite them treating him like a "king" when he's unwell. ストレリクト・コム・ダンス (Strictly Come Dancing) のホストテス・デーリーと20年以上結婚しているケイは,娘のフィービーとアンバーとのダイナミクスを説明し,彼らのケアに報いるための彼の闘いを強調した. Married to Strictly Come Dancing host Tess Daly for over 20 years, Kay described the dynamic with their daughters, Phoebe and Amber, highlighting his struggle to reciprocate their care. 彼は昨年 局に入社して以来 家族生活について オープンに話しています He has been open about family life since joining the station last year.