20歳と17歳の容疑者が西オークランドの小売店の窃盗で逮捕され、盗品が発見されました。調査は進行中です。 20 and 17-year-old suspects arrested for west Auckland retail store theft, found with stolen items; investigations ongoing.
20歳と17歳の容疑者は オークランド西部の小売店で 盗難を犯し逮捕されました Two suspects, aged 20 and 17, were arrested after a theft at a west Auckland retail store where four masked individuals stole jackets. 彼らは盗まれた車で逃げたが,後にマッシーに捨てられた. They fled in a stolen vehicle, which was later abandoned in Massey. 市民の支援により警察は容疑者を捜し出し 盗品を手に入れた. Public assistance led police to the suspects, who were found with the stolen items. 男たちは法廷に出廷する予定で、捜査が進行中で、盗まれた衣類を購入した可能性のある他の人々を巻き込む可能性があります。 The men are set to appear in court, and investigations are ongoing, potentially involving others who may have purchased the stolen clothing.