ボルチモア警察は、事故現場から逃走し、銃で溝に隠れていた男性を射殺しました。 Baltimore police fatally shot a man who fled a crash scene and hid in a ditch with a gun.
事故現場から逃げて 銃を持って溝に隠れた男が ボルチモア警察に撃たれて死亡 A man was shot and killed by Baltimore police after fleeing a crash scene and hiding in a ditch with a gun. 午後8時45分頃 警官が彼を誤った方向に 運転しているのを見て 衝突の後に調査を試みました At about 8:45 PM, officers spotted him driving the wrong way and attempted to investigate after a collision. 彼が逃げて溝で発見されたとき、警官は彼に手を見せるように命じた。 When he fled and was found in the ditch, officers ordered him to show his hands. 彼の武器を検出した後,彼らは銃撃を開始し,彼の死をもたらした. After spotting his weapon, they opened fire, resulting in his death. 警官は負傷せず 捜査が進行中です No officers were injured, and an investigation is ongoing.