麻薬密輸で外国人5人が逮捕され,コカイン7kg,大麻6kg,銃器,偽造文書が押収された. 5 foreigners arrested for drug trafficking; 7 kg cocaine, 6 kg cannabis, firearms, counterfeit docs seized.
麻薬密輸の容疑で逮捕された外国人5人 (男性4人,女性1人) Five foreign nationals, including four men and one woman, were arrested in connection with a drug trafficking operation. 捜査は数週間続いたが,当局はコカイン7キロ,大麻6キロ,銃器,偽造文書を押収した. Following a weeks-long investigation, authorities seized seven kilograms of cocaine, six kilograms of cannabis, firearms, and counterfeit documents. 容疑者は22歳から54歳までで セルビア,クロアチア,マケドニア,イタリア出身です The suspects, aged 22 to 54, hail from Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Italy. 現在 拘束され 訴訟が始まって 複数の罪状に直面しています They are currently in custody and face multiple charges as legal proceedings begin.