ミネソタ州アルベールビル近くの西行きのI-94で正面衝突が発生し、高速道路が閉鎖され、重傷を負いました。 Head-on collision on westbound I-94 near Albertville, MN, leads to highway closure and significant injuries.
金曜日の朝,ミネソタ州アルバートビル近郊の西行きの I-94で 重大な正面衝突が発生し,高速道路の閉鎖につながりました. A serious head-on collision occurred on westbound I-94 near Albertville, Minnesota, on Friday morning, leading to the closure of the highway. 建設地帯で午前9時に起きた事故は 2台の車両を巻き込み,重傷を負った. The crash, which took place at 9 a.m. in a construction zone, involved two vehicles and resulted in significant injuries. 救急隊は救急ヘリコプターも含めて 現場に派遣されました First responders, including medical helicopters, were dispatched to the scene. 道路は午前11時までに再開され, 運転者は調査が進むにつれて, 代替ルートを捜すよう助言されます. The road is expected to reopen by 11 a.m., and drivers are advised to seek alternate routes as investigations continue.