欧州司法裁判所は,欧州連合がモロッコとの貿易協定で西サハラ自治権を侵害したと判断した. European Court of Justice finds EC violated Western Sahara's self-determination rights in trade agreements with Morocco.
欧州司法裁判所は,欧州委員会が,モロッコの国民の同意なしにモロッコとの貿易協定を締結することで,西サハラ自治権を侵害したと判決しました. The European Court of Justice ruled that the European Commission violated the self-determination rights of Western Sahara by finalizing trade agreements with Morocco without the consent of its people. 農業・漁業製品に関する2019年の協定に影響する判決は,西サハラ産の製品には,モロッコの言及を除いて,その起源を明確に示すことを義務付けています. The ruling, which affects 2019 agreements on agricultural and fishing products, mandates that products from Western Sahara must clearly state their origin, excluding Moroccan references. この決定は,EUとモロッコにとって,将来の交渉に関して挑戦となる. This decision presents a challenge for the EU and Morocco regarding future negotiations.