マルタ大学のKSUは,新卒週中に,選択権擁護グループのスタンドを撤廃し,言論の自由の懸念を招いた. University of Malta's KSU dismantled pro-choice group's stand during Freshers' Week, sparking free speech concerns.
マルタ大学の学生会 (KSU) は,妊娠中絶のような敏感な話題を避ける必要性を理由に,選択権擁護団体Movement Graffittiが新卒週に設置したスタンドを解体した. The University of Malta's student council (KSU) dismantled a stand set up by the pro-choice group Moviment Graffitti during Freshers' Week, citing a need to avoid sensitive topics like abortion. 検閲ではないと主張し 生命擁護団体も制限されていると指摘した. KSU claimed it wasn't censorship and noted that pro-life groups were also restricted. グラフィティ運動は,言論の自由を抑圧する行為だと批判し,一部の政党や組織は,大学でのオープンな対話の欠如に懸念を表明した. Moviment Graffitti criticized the action as suppression of free speech, while some political parties and organizations expressed concern over the lack of open dialogue at universities.