8月にはラオスがベトナム,中国,タイへの主要輸出で,貿易赤字が1億2,900万ドルと報告した. In August, Laos reported a $129M trade deficit with key exports to Vietnam, China, and Thailand.
ラオスは8月に貿易赤字を1億2,900万ドルと報告し,輸出は5億4,100万ドル,輸入は6億7,900万ドルだった. In August, Laos reported a trade deficit of $129 million, with exports at $541 million and imports at $670 million. 主要な輸出品は電気機器,金混合物,ゴム,主要な輸入品はディーゼル,機械機器,陸上車両であった. Key exports included electric equipment, mixed gold, and rubber, while major imports were diesel, mechanical equipment, and land vehicles. 主要な輸出市場はベトナム,中国,タイであり,これらの国も輸入の主な供給源となっている. The primary export markets are Vietnam, China, and Thailand, and these countries also serve as the main sources for imports.