ロサンゼルス郡の囚人の死は 殺人罪で投獄中の殺人として調査されました Los Angeles County inmate death investigated as homicide during incarceration for murder.
オレンジ郡のビジネスマンを殺害した罪で 服役中のロサンゼルス郡の 囚人の死は 殺人として捜査されています The death of a Los Angeles County inmate, who was serving time for the murder of an Orange County businessman, is being investigated as a homicide. 逮捕中の彼の死について 捜査中です Authorities are looking into the circumstances surrounding his death while in custody. 事件の詳細は まだ調査中です Further details on the incident remain limited as the investigation is ongoing.