インドの7%のGDP成長には 十分な雇用創出がないことを指摘し 労働密集型産業に 焦点を当てることを促した. Former RBI Governor Rajan indicates insufficient job creation in India's 7% GDP growth and urges focusing on labor-intensive industries.
インドの7%のGDP成長は雇用創出には不十分だと 強調した. Former Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan emphasized that India's 7% GDP growth is insufficient for job creation. 労働密集型産業に重点を置くよう政府に要請し, 資本密集型産業ではなく, 労働密集型産業に重点を置くよう要請した. He urged the government to focus on labor-intensive industries instead of capital-intensive ones, which are growing faster. 低所得者の消費は,流行後には回復していないとRajanは指摘し,学徒制の監視計画を推奨した. Rajan also noted that consumption among lower-income Indians has not recovered post-pandemic and recommended monitoring apprenticeship schemes. 彼は,今後15年以内にインドの人口配当を活用する緊急性を強調しました. He stressed the urgency of leveraging India's demographic dividend within the next 15 years.