教育省はアリゾナ州の学校に 2千9百万ドルの タイトルIの資金を提供します U.S. Department of Education restores $29 million in Title I funding to Arizona schools.
アメリカ教育省は,アリゾナ州の学校に,連邦の第1章の資金として,2900万ドルを返却することを承認した. 期限が過ぎたため,早めに返還しなければならなかった. The U.S. Department of Education has approved the restoration of $29 million in federal Title I funding to Arizona schools, which had to be returned earlier due to missed deadlines. アリゾナ州警察署長 トム・ホーン氏は チームによる努力が 功績だと述べています 免除状は 現在 正しく配布されるよう 検討中です Arizona Superintendent Tom Horne credited his team's efforts for the waiver, which is now under review for proper distribution. この資金は学校改善のために割り当てられていたが,過去会計年では使われなかった. The funds had been allocated for school improvement but were not utilized in the past fiscal years. ホーン氏はまた,彼の政権が資金の取り扱いについて批判したニュース記事の撤回を求めた. Horne has also called for a retraction of a news article that criticized his administration's handling of the funds.