44歳のノマッドズ ギャングのメンバーが 車から逃げ 樹に隠れて 警察に追われ 逮捕され 起訴される 44-year-old Nomads gang member escapes vehicle, hides in tree, pursued by police, apprehended, faces charges.
ニュージーランド ドゥリー近郊で 家族の被害をきっかけに 警官から逃亡を試みた 44歳のノマドズギャングのメンバー A 44-year-old Nomads gang member attempted to escape police following a family harm incident near Drury, New Zealand. 密集した茂みの中へ車を逃げた後,彼はヘリコプターと犬部隊を含む警察に追われた. After fleeing his vehicle into dense bush, he was pursued by police, including a helicopter and dog unit. 約30分後,彼は木に登って隠れようとしたが,すぐに発見され,逮捕された. Approximately 30 minutes later, he climbed a tree to hide but was quickly located and apprehended. 彼は停止を怠ったことと無謀運転の罪に問われており、軽度の犬の咬傷の治療を受けています。 He faces charges of failing to stop and reckless driving, and is being treated for a minor dog bite. 初期事件は まだ調査中です The initial incident is still under investigation.