スイス当局が"自殺カプセル"事件の容疑者を拘束し,刑事捜査が進行中. Swiss authorities detain suspects in "suicide capsule" case; criminal investigation ongoing.
スイスの当局は"自殺カプセル"による疑わしい死亡に関連した数人を拘束しました. Authorities in Switzerland have detained several individuals related to a suspected death involving a "suicide capsule." 事件の状況を明らかにするために刑事捜査が進行中です. A criminal investigation is underway to ascertain the circumstances of the incident. 詳細は不明で この事件は 倫理的な懸念を 引き起こしています Details remain scarce, and the case has raised ethical concerns surrounding the use of such devices. 警察は事件の詳細を明らかにし 捜査を継続しています The investigation continues as police seek to clarify the events leading to the suspected death.