9月23日,トルコのイスタンブールで,モーターサイクルの盗難容疑で逮捕された19歳の容疑者が,警察官を殺害し,他の3人を負傷させた. 19-year-old suspect killed a police officer and injured three others in Istanbul, Turkey on September 23, during a motorcycle theft arrest.
9月23日,トルコのイスタンブールで銃撃戦で警察官が死亡し,攻撃者を含む3人が負傷した. On September 23 in Istanbul, Turkey, a police officer was killed in a gunfight, and three others, including the attacker, were injured. 事件はウムラニエ地区で、オートバイの盗難で逮捕された19歳の容疑者が発砲し、逮捕中に警官の武器を押収したときに展開されました。 The incident unfolded in the Umraniye district when a 19-year-old suspect, apprehended for motorcycle theft, opened fire and seized an officer’s weapon during his arrest. 攻撃者は26件の犯罪歴がある Notably, the attacker had a history of 26 criminal offenses prior to this event.