9月5日にラスベガスにあるネリス空軍基地近くで,Ford Flexと衝突して死亡したバイク運転手. A motorcyclist died after colliding with a Ford Flex making a U-turn near Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas on September 5.
9月5日,ラスベガスのネリス空軍基地近くで,Ford FlexとUターンしたバイクに乗っていた人が死亡. A motorcyclist died on September 5 after colliding with a Ford Flex making a U-turn near Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. バイクが高速で南へ向かっていたとき,衝突が発生した. The motorcycle was traveling at high speed southbound when the crash occurred. ドライバーは現場で死亡し フォードの運転手と乗客は軽傷を負った The rider was pronounced dead at the scene, while the Ford driver and a passenger suffered minor injuries. 運転手には障害が疑われず バイク運転者の障害の原因は 捜査中です Impairment was not suspected for the driver, and the cause of the motorcyclist's impairment is under investigation. ネリス大通りは一時的に閉鎖された. Nellis Boulevard was temporarily closed.