オーストラリアのDSS長官レイ・グリグスは46年の公務員生活を終えて引退する. Australia's DSS Secretary Ray Griggs retiring after 46 years in public service, known for significant social reform contributions.
レイ・グリッグス オーストラリアの社会福祉省の長官が 公務員として46年,現職で3年経った後に退職を発表した. Ray Griggs, Secretary of Australia's Department of Social Services, has announced his retirement after 46 years in public service, including three years in his current role. 単身の育児給付や女性や子どもに対する暴力対策など,社会改革に大きく貢献した. He has significantly contributed to social reforms, including the Single Parenting Payment and initiatives to combat violence against women and children. グレッグの辞任は年末に 効力を生じます 後任者は後に 任命されます Griggs’ departure will take effect at year-end, with his successor to be named later.