シュリカント・V・デシュムク (Srikant V Deshmukh) は,妻との口論で,インドのヴァランダ・ガットで自殺した. Shrikant V Deshmukh committed suicide in Varandha Ghat, India, following a dispute with his wife.
インドのプネで シュリカント・V・デシュムクが 妻と激しく口論した後に 悲劇的に自殺しました In Pune, India, Shrikant V Deshmukh tragically took his own life after a heated argument with his wife. 争いのあと 彼は75キロを車でヴァランダ・ガット地区まで行き 妻に場所を伝え 川に飛び込んだ Following the dispute, he drove 75 kilometers to the Varandha Ghat region, sent his location to his wife, and jumped into a river. 警察は事故死報告を 登録し 事件を捜査中です デシュムクが妻と2人の娘を 遺しているからです Police have registered an accidental death report and are investigating the incident, as Deshmukh leaves behind his wife and two young daughters. 遺体を回収する作業は数時間後に成功しました Recovery efforts successfully located his body several hours later.