夫婦が同居者の殺人容疑で 免責判決を受けたのは 20年の訴訟の後です A couple was acquitted of their housemate's murder after 20 years of legal battles.
夫婦が 20年もの間 訴訟を繰り広げて 共同住人の殺人容疑で 免責判決を受けた A couple has been acquitted of the murder of their housemate after two decades of legal battles. 注目が集まったこの事件は,すべての罪から彼らを無罪とする判決で終わりました. The case, which garnered significant attention, concluded with a verdict clearing them of all charges. この判決は長年続く 長い論争の的法律の 重要な転換点となり 司法や不当な告発に関する問題を 浮き彫りにしました This decision marks a significant turning point in a long and contentious legal saga that has lingered for years, highlighting issues related to justice and wrongful accusations.