負傷した55歳の住民 住宅爆発/火災 ジェームスタウン,ND 独立のガレージで発生 犬の死 捜査中 55-year-old resident injured, house explosion/fire in Jamestown, ND; detached garage origin, dog death; ongoing investigation.
9月12日木曜日の朝,北ダコタ州 ジェムスタウンで起きた爆発と火災で,55歳の住民が重傷を負い,ミネアポリスの病院に運ばれた. Early Thursday, September 12, a house explosion and fire in Jamestown, North Dakota, severely injured a 55-year-old resident who was airlifted to a Minneapolis hospital. 独立のガレージで始まった火災は,家と近くの財産に重大な損害をもたらしました. The fire, which started in a detached garage, caused significant damage to the home and nearby properties. 飼い主の犬は事故で死んだ. The homeowner's dog died in the incident. 複数の機関, 犯罪捜査局と消防局が 原因を調査しています Multiple agencies, including the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation and the Fire Marshal's Office, are investigating the cause.