75歳の元南アフリカ財務大臣で反汚職運動家であるプラビン・ゴーダンが、がんとの闘いの末に亡くなりました。 75-year-old former South African Finance Minister and anti-corruption crusader, Pravin Gordhan, passed away after cancer battle.
南アフリカの元財務大臣で反汚職の提唱者であるプラビン・ゴーダンは、癌との闘いの末、75歳で亡くなりました。 Pravin Gordhan, South Africa's former Finance Minister and anti-corruption advocate, died at 75 after a battle with cancer. ジェイコブ・ズマ大統領時代における汚職対策で知られ,税務制度改革と国家収奪対策の鍵を握った. Known for his efforts against corruption during the presidency of Jacob Zuma, he played a key role in reforming the tax service and combating state capture. ゴードンはアパルトヘイトに対する自由戦士でもあり,彼の遺産は南アフリカにおける腐敗との闘いにおける重大な損失である. Gordhan was also a freedom fighter against apartheid, marking his legacy as a significant loss in the ongoing fight against corruption in South Africa.