デトロイトで元従業員が 職場で2人の女性を 燃やした疑いがある In Detroit, a former employee allegedly set two women on fire at work due to a grudge.
デトロイトでは,月曜日の朝,仕事場に到着した際に,ある男性が女性をガソリンで濡らして火にかけ,重傷を負った2人の女性が病院に搬送されました. In Detroit, two women were hospitalized with serious injuries after a man allegedly doused them with gasoline and set them on fire as they arrived at work on Monday morning. 容疑者は、最近停職または解雇された元従業員で、恨みから女性たちを狙ったと考えられている。 The suspect, a former employee who had recently been suspended or fired, is believed to have targeted the women due to a grudge. 彼も軽傷を負って入院し、殺人未遂の罪に問われると予想されています。 He was also hospitalized with minor injuries and is expected to face attempted murder charges. 捜査は進行中です The investigation is ongoing.