警察はオハイオ州デイトンで 異なる2件の銃撃事件を捜査中です 詳細や関連は不明です Police investigate two separate shooting incidents in Dayton, Ohio, with details and connections unclear.
オハイオ州デイトンの警察は 2つの銃撃事件を捜査中です Police in Dayton, Ohio, are investigating two separate shooting incidents. 詳細は不明だが,土曜日の夜9時40分頃,サミット・スクエア・アパートの近くで発生した. The first occurred near Summit Square Apartments on Saturday night at around 9:40 p.m., with few details available. 2回目の事件は その日の午後 クイーンズ・アベニューで 銃声と近くの事故の報告に 警察が対応した The second incident took place earlier that afternoon on Queens Avenue, where police responded to reports of gunfire and a nearby crash. 被害者の数と事件の関係が 明らかになっていない 捜査が続いています The number of victims and the relationship between the incidents remain unclear as the investigations continue.