パキスタン領海で 世界最大の石油とガス埋蔵地が発見されました Pakistan discovers potentially world's largest oil and gas reserves in its territorial waters.
パキスタンは,その領海で,世界最大の石油とガス資源を 発見しています. Pakistan has identified significant oil and gas reserves in its territorial waters, potentially among the world's largest. 友好国との3年間の調査で 貯蔵量が明らかになり 国の経済を向上させ エネルギー輸入を削減する可能性がある A three-year survey conducted with a friendly nation revealed the reserves, which could enhance the country's economy and reduce energy imports. しかし,完全な開発には 約50億ドルが必要で, 4~5年かかるかもしれません. However, full exploitation will require approximately $5 billion and may take four to five years. 政府が探査の提案を検討しており, 作業はすぐに開始される予定です. The government is considering proposals for exploration, with work expected to commence soon.