セキュリティー検査後,無料の追加買い物バッグを許可し,手荷物容量を追加します. easyJet allows extra shopping bag for free after security, increasing luggage capacity without fees.
MoneySavingExpert.com (MSE) は,easyJetの荷物ポリシーに"抜け穴"があると強調し,乗客はセキュリティー後に買い物をした後,追加買い物袋を無料で乗せて乗せることができます. MoneySavingExpert.com (MSE) highlights a "loophole" in easyJet's luggage policy, allowing passengers to carry an extra shopping bag onboard for free after shopping post-security. エイジジェットは通常,手荷物1枚しか持たないが,旅客は免税で購入した物品と共に傘やコートなどの追加品を携えて行ける. While easyJet typically permits only one piece of hand luggage, travelers can bring additional items like an umbrella or overcoat, along with duty-free purchases. 荷物運搬の容量も増やすのに 追加料金はかかりません This effectively increases their luggage capacity without incurring extra fees.