ひどい火傷を負った男性が ポートシャーロットタウンセンターモールで火災で死亡しました 捜査は進行中です A man with severe burns died after a fire incident at Port Charlotte Town Center Mall, FL; investigation ongoing.
ひどい火傷を負った男性が火災事故でフロリダ州ポートシャーロットタウンセンターの駐車場で死亡しました. A man with severe burns died in the parking lot of Port Charlotte Town Center Mall in Florida after a fire incident on Tuesday. ヘリコプターで彼を運ぶ努力にもかかわらず,彼は着陸中に心臓発作を起こし,後に救急車で病院に運ばれ,救助はできなかった. Despite efforts to transport him by helicopter, he suffered cardiac arrest during the landing and was later taken to the hospital by ambulance, where he could not be saved. 彼の身元は不明で シャーロット郡保安官事務所は 州消防局長と共に 原因を調査中です His identity remains undisclosed, and the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office, alongside the state fire marshal, is investigating the cause of the fire.