57歳のテレビ司会者 ニッキー・チャップマンは "Escape to the Country"で有名です 彼女は脳腫瘍と診断され 摘出された後 自身の体験を語っています 57-year-old TV presenter Nicki Chapman, known for "Escape to the Country," shares her journey after being diagnosed with and having a non-cancerous brain tumor removed.
"Escape to the Country"で有名なテレビ司会者 ニッキー・チャップマンは 最近 癌ではない脳腫瘍と診断され 治療を受けていたことを 紹介しました TV presenter Nicki Chapman, known for "Escape to the Country," recently shared her journey after being diagnosed with a non-cancerous brain tumor, which has since been removed. 57歳の彼女は, スパイス・ガールズやデヴィッド・ボウイのような大手アーティストと 仕事をした音楽業界でのキャリアを振り返ります At 57, she reflects on her music industry career, where she worked with major artists like the Spice Girls and David Bowie. チャップマンは現在,Save the ChildrenとThe Brain Tumour Charityのボランティア活動に専念しており,自身の経験について"So Tell Me What You Want"という本を書いています. Chapman is now focused on volunteering for Save the Children and The Brain Tumour Charity, and she is writing a book about her experiences titled "So Tell Me What You Want."