カーリケリ出身の79歳の男性とTwo by Twosという宗教団体とのつながりがある人が 9月24日に法廷で歴史的な性的犯罪の告発に直面しています 79-year-old man from Kerikeri, linked to Two by Twos religious group, faces historical sex charges in court on Sept 24.
カーリケリ出身の79歳の男性が,宗教団体"Two by Twos"と関連した歴史的な性犯罪の告発に直面しており,9月24日に法廷で訴える予定だ. A 79-year-old man from Kerikeri, facing historical sex charges linked to the Two by Twos religious group, is scheduled to plead in court on September 24. 彼は複数の罪で起訴され 12歳未満の被害者を 虐待した He is charged with multiple offenses, including indecent assault involving a victim under 12. 裁判官は彼の名前は健康上の理由で 隠されているが 隠し続けるには 強い正当性が必要だと述べた Although his name is currently suppressed due to health concerns, the judge stated that continued suppression would require strong justification. このグループは過去の子どもの性的虐待の容疑で FBIの捜査も受けています The group is also under FBI investigation for past child sexual abuse allegations.