ナイジェリア国防本部は、ソコト州での大量誘拐と殺害の主張を却下し、バイラルビデオを偽のラベル付けしました。 Nigerian Defence Headquarters dismisses mass kidnapping and killing claims in Sokoto State, labels viral video as fake.
ナイジェリア国防総省は,ソコト州で150人の集団拉致と殺害の主張を否定し,この動画を偽物と隣国から来たものだと非難した. The Nigerian Defence Headquarters has dismissed claims of a mass kidnapping and killing of 150 individuals in Sokoto State, labeling the viral video as fake and originating from a neighboring country. エドワード・ブーバ少将は 映像は テロのプロパガンダの一部だと強調した Major General Edward Buba emphasized that the footage misrepresents events and is part of terrorist propaganda. さらに,ザムファラ州で乗っ取られた装甲車両の報告も否定され,車両は軍事作戦中に動けなくなったことを明らかにしました. Additionally, reports of hijacked armored vehicles in Zamfara State were also refuted, clarifying that the vehicles became immobilized during a military operation.