LSUはUSCに27-20で敗れ,開幕戦で5連敗となった. LSU lost to USC 27-20 in season opener, marking their 5th consecutive opening-game defeat.
シーズン開幕戦では、No. In their season opener, No. 13 LSUはノーに負けた 13 LSU lost to No. 23 USC、27-20、LSUの5連敗をマーク。 23 USC, 27-20, marking LSU's fifth consecutive opening game defeat. 両チームは新しいコーディネーターの下で防御的な改善を示し,USCの防御は大幅に強化された. Both teams showed defensive improvements under new coordinators, with USC's defense significantly enhanced. LSUは赤色ゾーンで苦労し 規律の欠如で批判に直面しました LSU struggled in the red zone and faced criticism for a lack of discipline. コーチのブライアン・ケリーは 機会を逃したことに不満を述べ 来る練習前に改善の必要性を強調しました Coach Brian Kelly expressed frustration over missed opportunities and emphasized the need for improvement ahead of the upcoming practices.