LSUはオクラホマを37対17で倒し,QBのガレット・ナスマイヤーが277ヤードと3つのタッチでパスした. LSU defeated Oklahoma 37-17, with QB Garrett Nussmeier passing for 277 yards and three TDs.
LSUはオクラホマを37対17で倒し,QBのガレット・ナスマイヤーが肩の怪我にもかかわらず277ヤードと3タッチダウンでパスした. LSU beat Oklahoma 37-17, with QB Garrett Nussmeier passing for 277 yards and three touchdowns despite a shoulder injury. Nassmeerは短期間で試合から立ち去ったが,X線が深刻な被害を示さなかったため,復帰した. Nussmeier briefly left the game but returned after X-rays showed no serious damage. LSUの勝利は,3試合負け後の2度目の勝利を表明し,記録を8-4に持ち上げた. LSU's win marks their second consecutive victory after a three-game losing streak, bringing their record to 8-4. オクラホマは第1回 SECシーズンを終え 6-6記録 Oklahoma finished their first SEC season with a 6-6 record. 両チームとも ボウル入札発表を待っています Both teams now await bowl bid announcements.