アルバニアで投票買いで有罪となったEU議員フレディ・ベレリが仮釈放され,欧州人権裁判所に訴える予定. EU lawmaker Fredi Beleri, convicted of vote-buying in Albania, is released on probation and plans to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.
ギリシャ系政治家でEU議員のフレディ・ベレリは、アルバニアでの票買収の罪で2年の刑期のうち16カ月を服役した後、執行猶予付きで釈放された。 Fredi Beleri, an ethnic Greek politician and EU lawmaker, has been released on probation after serving 16 months of a two-year sentence for vote-buying in Albania. ギリシャは彼の有罪判決を政治的な動機だと見ており,両国の関係を緊張させています. His conviction, viewed by Greece as politically motivated, has strained relations between the two countries. 刑務所で市長選挙で勝利したベレリは,欧州人権裁判所に訴え,アルバニアのギリシャ少数派の権利を擁護し続けることを計画しています. Beleri, who won a mayoral election while imprisoned, plans to appeal his case to the European Court of Human Rights and continue advocating for the rights of the Greek minority in Albania.