エアニュージーランド航空ATR72便のNZ5366便は,エンジンに火災が発生したため,ウェリントン空港に緊急着陸し,乗客全員が軽傷で無事に降りてきました. Air New Zealand ATR 72 Flight NZ5366 from Christchurch made an emergency landing at Wellington Airport due to engine fire, all passengers disembarked safely with minor injuries.
エアニュージーランド航空のATR72便,クライストチャーチからのNZ5366便は,エンジンが火災したためウェリントン空港に緊急着陸した. An Air New Zealand ATR 72, Flight NZ5366 from Christchurch, made an emergency landing at Wellington Airport after its engine caught fire. 飛行機は無事に着陸し,乗客は全員重傷を負わずに降りたが,一部は軽度の医療が必要だった. The plane landed safely, with all passengers disembarking without serious injuries, though some required minor medical attention. 救急隊が現場に来て,火は消された. Emergency services were on site, and the fire was extinguished. 滑走路は再開されましたが,いくつかのフライトは事件により遅延または転換を経験しました. The runway has since reopened, but some flights experienced delays or diversions due to the incident. 原因は調査中です. The cause is under investigation.