ウクライナの首相は,LGBTの権利,自由の移動,ロシアの立場をめぐってEUの関係を緊張させ,EU首脳会議の移転を促した. Hungary's PM, Viktor Orban, strains EU relations over LGBT rights, free movement, and Russia stance, leading to an EU summit relocation.
ウクライナの首相ヴィクトル・オルバン氏は,LGBTの権利,自由の移動,ロシアに対する行動といった問題について,EU加盟国の大半の意見に対して敵対的な態度をとるため,EUと関係を緊張させています. Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, has strained relations with the European Union (EU) due to his hostility towards the majority of EU member countries' views on issues such as LGBT rights, free movement, and action against Russia. 緊張を拡大しないようにするため,EU首脳会議をブダペストからブリュッセルに移行させました. This has led to the relocation of an EU summit from Budapest to Brussels to avoid escalating tensions within the union. ロシアとウクライナの紛争において重要な役割を果たしている. しかし,ウクライナへの援助を妨害し,モスクワに対する制裁を回避する彼の努力は摩擦を引き起こしている. Orban's close relationship with Russia has made him a critical player in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but his efforts to obstruct aid to Ukraine and avoid sanctions against Moscow have caused friction.