2024年 第62回交通事故 8月24日 カンザスシティで歩行者が衝突して死亡 62nd traffic fatality of 2024: A pedestrian was struck and killed in Kansas City on August 24.
2024年62回目の交通事故: 8月24日,カンザスシティで33番街とプロスペクト・アベニューの交差点でドッジ・チャージャーの衝突で歩行者が死亡しました. 62nd traffic fatality of 2024: A pedestrian was killed in Kansas City on August 24, after being hit by a Dodge Charger at the intersection of 33rd Street and Prospect Avenue. 運転手は現場に残り 警察は捜査中です The driver stayed at the scene, and police are currently investigating the incident. この死亡率は 59人の交通事故が起こった昨年同期より高い. This fatality rate is higher than the same period last year, which saw 59 traffic fatalities.