BCのメンタルヘルス擁護者はBC保守党とBCユナイテッドの支持を得て,省選挙で精神的幸福のためにプレスをかけます. Mental health advocates in BC press for mental well-being in the provincial election, with support from the Conservative Party of BC and BC United.
精神衛生の擁護者は BCの政党に 精神衛生を 省選で取り上げることを求める. Mental health advocates in BC urge political parties to address mental well-being in upcoming provincial election. 精神保健の提案には 治療の選択肢,手頃な価格で治療,患者とその家族との 協働的な関わりが含まれています Mental health proposals include treatment options, accessible and affordable care, and collaborative engagement with patients and their families. BCの保守党とBC連合のリーダーケビン・ファルコンは支持を表明し,家族の関与と医療制度のためのより多くのリソースの重要性を強調した. Conservative Party of BC and BC United Leader Kevin Falcon express support, emphasizing the importance of family involvement and more resources for the healthcare system.