民主党全国大会で,セントラルパーク5は,トランプが不正に投獄された時に怒りを煽ったことを批判し,トランプの2期目の潜在的な危険性を強調した. At the Democratic National Convention, Central Park Five criticize Trump for inciting anger during their false imprisonment and emphasize potential dangers of a second Trump term.
民主党全国大会で 1989年にジョギングの女性をレイプし,暴行したとして 誤って起訴され投獄された セントラルパーク・ファイブズは 裁判中に怒りを煽ったトランプ前大統領を批判した. At the Democratic National Convention, the Central Park Five, who were falsely accused and imprisoned for the 1989 rape and assault of a jogger, criticized former President Trump for his role in inciting anger during their trial. トランプは容疑者の死刑を訴えて DNA証拠に基づいて無罪となったにもかかわらず 容疑者の有罪を主張した. Trump called for the death penalty for the alleged attackers and maintained their guilt despite their exoneration based on DNA evidence. 2002年に有罪判決が撤回される前に合計41年の服役を済んだ男性は,トランプの2期目の潜在的な危険と,カマラ・ハリス副大統領の大統領就任の重要性を強調しました. The men, who served a combined total of 41 years in prison before their convictions were overturned in 2002, emphasized the potential dangers of a second Trump term and the significance of Vice President Kamala Harris' nomination as the first Black woman to hold the position.