22歳の容疑者が逮捕された 殺人未遂,犯罪被害,そして麻薬所持 北ベルファストでの刺殺事件の後に 22-year-old suspect arrested for attempted murder, criminal damage, and drug possession after a stabbing in north Belfast.
22歳の容疑者は、バリューニュア通りでの刺傷事件の後、北ベルファストで殺人未遂の容疑で逮捕されました。 22-year-old suspect arrested on suspicion of attempted murder in north Belfast following a stabbing incident on Ballynure Street. 被害者は20代の女性で 自宅で暴行された後 治療のために病院に運ばれた The victim, a woman in her 20s, was taken to the hospital for treatment after being assaulted in her home. 敷地内に無理やり侵入した容疑者は、犯罪被害、攻撃用武器の所持、クラスC規制薬物の所持で追加の罪に問われています。 The suspect, who forced entry into the property, faces additional charges of criminal damage, possession of an offensive weapon, and possession of a class C controlled drug. 警察は目撃者や 情報を持つ者たちに 連絡を要請しています Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to contact them.