韓国では8月22日,米国との"ウルチ・フリーダム・シールド"の年間軍事演習の一環として,全国にわたる緊急演習を行い,戦争や国家緊急事態をシミュレーションした. South Korea held a nationwide emergency drill on August 22, part of the annual Ulchi Freedom Shield joint military exercises with the US, simulating a war or national emergency situation.
韓国では 8月22日に全国に緊急演習を行い,米国との"ウルチ・フリーダム・シールド"の年間軍事演習の一環で,首都ソウルで混乱を引き起こし,交通が停止し,数千人の市民が大規模な避難に参加した. South Korea held a nationwide emergency drill on August 22, part of the annual Ulchi Freedom Shield joint military exercises with the US, which caused confusion in the capital, Seoul, as traffic was halted and thousands of civilians took part in mass evacuations. この演習は戦争や国家緊急事態をシミュレートすることを目的とし,北朝鮮の無人機攻撃やテロ事件への対応も含んでいた. The drill aimed to simulate a war or national emergency situation and included responding to a North Korean drone attack and terrorist incidents. 韓国と北朝鮮の長年の技術的な戦争状態のため,この演習は毎年行われているが,しばしば情報不足と公衆の関心に直面する. Despite happening annually, the drills often face a lack of information and public interest due to South Korea's long-standing technical war status with North Korea.